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Purpose of Grant:
Professional Skills Institute (PSI) is committed to excellence in education and would like to provide recognition to those individuals who have graduated from either a PSI or a Taylor College program. PSI will award quarterly renewable $750 grants, up to a maximum of $4,500, to students enrolling in the RN to BSN Degree completion program. The PSI/Taylor College Graduate Grant for BSN Students, here after referred to as the ‘Grant’, reflects PSI’s commitment to the community and to encourage the most qualified applicants to become industry professionals.
Grant Award Procedures:
Candidates for the Grant will be determined based on the following criteria:
- Have graduated from a PSI or Taylor College certificate, diploma or degree program.
- Completed a Registered Nurse associate degree in nursing program, earning a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average in their RN associate degree in nursing program.
- Meets all admissions criteria for the PSI RN to BSN Degree Completion Program and has been accepted into the program.
- All previous financial obligations to PSI or Taylor College have been satisfied.
During the enrollment process, qualified applicants will notify their Admissions Specialist of their interest in the Grant. The Admissions Specialist will notify the Registrar, who will review the following documents:
- Official PSI or Taylor College transcript confirming the applicant graduated from a PSI or Taylor College certificate, diploma or degree program.
- Official transcript from the applicant’s RN associate degree in nursing program, confirming they earned a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average, and earned an associate degree.
- PSI or Taylor College ledger confirming that all financial obligations to the institution have been satisfied.
After confirming the applicant meets the criteria for the Grant, the applicant will be notified of their eligibility for the Grant. The Office of Financial Planning will include the Grant in the applicant’s financial aid package.
Transfer of Awards:
No institutional grant awarded for the benefit of PSI students may be transferred to any other institution. No recipient of the RN to BSN Degree completion grant may transfer their PSI grant to any other individual nor to any program other than the RN to BSN degree completion program. A grant may not be redeemed for a cash sum.
Maintaining eligibility:
The Grant will automatically renew each quarter as long as the student maintains eligibility. Recipients must adhere to the following to remain eligible:
- Maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average in the PSI RN to BSN Degree Completion program.
- Remain current with their financial obligations to the school.
- Maintain continuous enrollment in the RN to BSN Degree Completion program.
- Adhere to the PSI Student Code of Conduct. Any Student Code of Conduct violation will result in revocation of the PSI grant.
Tuition Balance:
If the Grant does not cover the total tuition and costs associated with the recipient’s educational program, the grant recipient is responsible for the balance of associated tuition and costs at PSI.
General Disclaimer:
Grant applicants should be aware that their applications are considered to be based on truthful information. Applicants must fulfill all admissions criteria before any Grant award is finalized.