Disability and Discrimination Grievance Procedure

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The school complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Applicants or students who present documentation of a disability will have their case reviewed by the school’s Section 504 Coordinator and the ADA Research Committee, and if applicable, reasonable accommodations will be given for the documented disability. The student is responsible for informing the school prior to needing the reasonable accommodations (academic adjustment) in the classroom/lab/clinical. The school is not required to identify the applicant or student as having a disability or assess the student’s needs.

The Section 504 Coordinator is the Dean of Education. The Section 504 Coordinator and the ADA Research Committee are responsible for the development of the reasonable accommodation plan for the student. The Dean of Education (DOE), along with the appropriate Program Director and the Campus President, form the ADA Research Committee; this committee will review the documented disability and the request for accommodation.

Applicants requesting academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services should complete the following steps during their admissions process so that a Plan of Action (POA) can be completed prior to their first day of class. However, already enrolled students may request academic adjustments and should do so at least ten (10) days prior to the needed academic adjustment. Once accommodations are approved, they are not retroactive.

Students who during their enrollment have a newly developed disability should begin the steps as soon as documentation can be provided to the ADA committee.

Complete Academic Accommodations Request Form. This form may be obtained by contacting the Dean of Education. Along with the request form, all documentation of disability and any documents supporting the disability or assisting with the academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services must be submitted.

The ADA Research Committee will review documentation and schedule a meeting with the student within five (5) business days of the request to discuss the student’s disability. The committee may request additional documentation from the student or applicant. The committee will verify all documentation presented for authenticity.

If approved, the ADA Research Committee will develop a Plan of Action provided to the student on a timely basis but no longer than ten (10) days of the request. Appropriate faculty will receive notification of the accommodations for which the student has been approved.

The ADA Research Committee shall update and include in the student’s file the date(s) of request(s) for adjustments of services, the nature of each request and supporting documentation, the reason(s) for any denials, and a summary of the process that occurred between the school and the student.

If the student believes he or she has been discriminated against, or otherwise wishes to challenge any denial of his or her requests for academic adjustments or services, said applicants and or student shall follow the Student Grievance Policy.

Student Grievance Procedures

Students with a grievance or complaint need to raise their concerns as soon as possible to assure a resolution is made in a timely fashion. The grievance must be submitted within five (5) days of the incident. The policy below has been developed by the school to offer a systematic and equitable process to resolve student complaints regarding academic and non-academic matters.

Classroom and Other Academic Matters
Students with complaints or grievances related to academic matters, classroom policies regarding course-specific testing, classroom assignments, or grades must first discuss their concerns with the instructor and, if necessary, their Program Director. If the matter is not resolved, students may bring their complaint to the attention of the Dean of Education within five (5) days of the incident.

Non-Academic Matters
Students with complaints or grievances concerning non-academic matters (i.e.: Financial Aid, Admissions, Career Services, etc.) should direct their concerns to the appropriate Department Manager and/or notify their Program Director within five (5) days from the incident.

Additional Steps for Grievance
Should the grievance remain unresolved, students will be advised to submit the matter in writing to the Dean of Education within five (5) days of the unsatisfactory meeting with the Program Director or Department Manager. The Dean of Education will review the matter with all the parties concerned, and may meet with the student. The Dean of Education will respond to the grievance within five (5) days of notification.

If unsatisfied with the decision of the Dean of Education, students may submit the grievance to the Campus President; the written grievance should be sent to the office within forty-eight (48) hours of the unsatisfactory decision by the Dean of Education. The office will respond to the student within five (5) days of receipt of the written grievance.

If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the Institution’s grievance procedure, the student may contact: State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools, 30 East Broad Street, Suite 2481, Columbus, Ohio, 43215-3414, (614) 466-2762, Fax (614) 466-2219, and Toll Free (877) 275-4219
Email: bpsr@scr.state.oh.us Website: http://www.scr.ohio.gov

Schools accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools must have a procedure and operational plan for handling student complaints. If a student does not feel the school has adequately addressed a complaint or concern, the student may consider contacting the Accrediting Commission. All complaints reviewed by the Commission must be in written form and should grant permission for the Commission to forward a copy of the complaint to the school for a response. This can be accomplished by filing the ABHES Complaint Form. The complainant(s) will be kept informed as to the status of the complaint as well as the final resolution by the Commission.

Please direct all inquiries to:
Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 730, North Bethesda, MD 20852

A copy of the ABHES Complaint Form is available at the school and may be obtained by contacting school administration or online at www.abhes.org.

PTA Complaints Outside of the Published Policies
Complaints or suggestions which fall outside PSI’s stated Grievance and Suggestion Policies, found in this academic catalog, may occur. Should this happen within the PTA Program, possibly from clinical education sites, employers of graduates, or the public, the Director of the PTA Program shall receive the complaint, document the complaint/suggestion using the Institution’s complaint Tracking Form. All complaints shall be handled.

The Program Director shall

  1. Document the complaint and investigate the complaint.
  2. Document the findings of the investigation.
  3. Discuss the findings with the Dean of Education and arrive at a decision concerning the complaint.
  4. Maintain the tracking form listing the PTA Program complaint using the Institution’s Complaints Tracking Form.
  5. Keep all documentation and the tracking form in a file in the PTA Director’s office for 3 years, after which it shall be destroyed.
  6. This file shall assist in monitoring of possible reoccurring complaints which would require action.
  7. If action is required, the complaint source shall be informed of the action taken.
  8. This file may be verbally reviewed with the Director of PTA Program and any complaint requiring action will be made known to the Advisory Board and the Appeal Committee.

Student Surveys and Suggestions
Students will evaluate instructors and courses for which they are registered at the end of each term. The Dean of Education and/or Program Director will review these surveys and follow up with students and/or instructors as needed.

Students will also complete Student Satisfaction Surveys covering the student’s total experience at the school. This survey is meant to assess student satisfaction with all services offered by the campus, plus that of individual departments, staff, and administration. Ultimately, the results from this survey are used to assist with annual evaluations of the school and programs.

Students may also turn in suggestions or complaints to the suggestion box in the student lounge or may also email campus leadership with complaints and/or suggestions.