The Role of Manikins in Education

Practice is Key in Practical Nursing Career Training

Practical Nursing training prepares students in many essential responsibilities including taking patients’ temperature, pulse, respiration rate and blood pressure, preparing IV drips, performing wound care, and monitoring patients’ health. These skills require hands-on practice and repetition to master. Thanks to new and continually advancing technology, modern manikins have been developed that are equipped for a wide variety of patient care and monitoring, allowing for more learning opportunities than ever before. As a result, many Practical Nursing programs utilize manikins in the classroom.

The benefits of utilizing manikins in healthcare training include:

  1. Practice of essential skills
    Students can repeat specific tasks until they are mastered. This allows for a personalized education experience for each student that can be completed at their own pace.
  2. Enhanced safety
    Mistakes can help students learn without putting real patients at risk.
  3. Ability to gain proficiency and confidence
    Through practice and repetition students gain valuable confidence needed to enter the workforce.
  4. Learn specialized tasks
    There are a wide range of manikins available to address Pediatric Care, Trauma Care, Surgical Care, Maternal Care and more.
  5. Gain critical thinking skills
    By encountering various issues and outcomes, students learn to analyze the facts to make proper assessments.

At Professional Skills Institute, the Practical Nurse program utilizes two modern manikins in classroom training including a specialized maternal and neonatal birthing simulator. By combining quality instruction from Registered Nurses, classroom manikin training, and 210 hours of clinical training in actual medical facilities, PSI graduates have the skills and confidence to enter the workforce.

If you want to learn more about the role of manikins in healthcare education and the Practical Nursing career training program at Professional Skills Institute, visit to schedule a tour. During your visit a helpful admissions representative will give you a personalized tour of the classrooms and lab facilities plus you’ll have the opportunity to discuss student life, career services, and meet with a financial aid representative. Schedule your visit today!

Practical Nursing Program
Professional Skills Institute

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